This site is for IT Professionals or Power Users and will be treated that way. All information on this site is here for your convienence and will always be under construction to make it the best possible site. You should feel free to mail the webmaster to offer any advice or comments.


Has information about IT industry certifications; including minimum requirements, testing procedures, and tips


This area is loaded with all the tips you could ever think of remembering or using. This includes some famous keyboard shourcuts, O/S tweaks, Windows customizations, application shortcuts


This is for students at virtual university and all others are welcome


This will be constantly updated. You will find many helpfull links on this page. This is mikeyski's best links with information about anything, well... mostly computer stuff and technobabble(computer talk).


This area is full or recommended resources. Great for certification preparation. Information about books, computer hardware and software, in other words INFORMATION.